Monthly Archives: April 2023

11. GoFundMe Goes Too Far

In Today’s episode, Alex and Jon discuss a listener question regarding a personal GoFundMe request that goes too far. Other topics include tackling listener questions on tattooing over symbolic Ex piece, getting off of BC vs. getting a Vasectomy, and coping with a sibling’s success.

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10. How Much Should You Share With Your Partner?

What they don’t know won’t hurt them, right? In this week’s episode, Alex and Jon answer listener questions on a significant other not sharing details from a guy’s trip, dating preferences regarding drinking, how to start your fitness journey, and proposing at someone else’s wedding. Do you need advice? Submit your questions here!

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9. Is Life Just A Rom-Com?

Life is full of hopeless romantics, but when does it become too unrealistic, like your favorite romantic comedy movie? In this week’s episode, Jon and Alex answer a listener’s question about her quest for love, which could potentially ruin a friendship. Additional topics include peeing in the shower, cheating being acceptable in certain cultures, and narcissistic tendencies in relationships.

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8. How We Lost Our Virginities

Is losing your virginity as important as it seems? Jon digs deep to remember how he lost his, and Alex remembers it like it was yesterday. In this week’s episode, Jon and Alex recap their cruise adventure, followed by listener questions on In-law woes, tickle fetishes, taking your spouse’s last name, and family betrayal. Additional questions include disclosing STDs with a new partner, peeing the bed as an adult, and being a backseat driver.  

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