Tag Archives: creators

4. Addicted To The Chase

We want what we can’t have. Therefore, we stay addicted to the chase. Or do we? In this week’s episode, Jon and Alex answer a listener’s question regarding dating struggles, leading them to reflect back on their own days of dating! Additional questions include topics on toxic relationships, addiction, and more.

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Social Media – The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

The rise of social media in the early 2000s grew into something none of us could have imagined! But does too much of a good thing become a bad thing? A tool that connects others from across the world also brings people down. In this episode, Jon and Alex talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly sides of social media since becoming content creators. 

Visit our website www.giveittomestraightpodcast.com

Find us on Instagram! Podcast giveittomestraightpodcast Alex IG alexandramadisonn Jon IG jbouffard2

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