Category Archives: advice

When To Call It Quits

Breakups are hard (duh) and sometimes we stay in relationships longer than we should to avoid the pain. But ya know what’s worse? Staying in a shitty relationship! Jon and Alex talk about some of the first signs in your relationship that you should call it quits.

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Jon IG jbouffard2

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Keeping The Flame Alive

As the popular 90’s song went, “people of the world, SPICE UP YOUR LIFE”. Alex and Jon give you their very own tips and tricks to change your dull and dying relationship to alive and thriving. 

Find us on Instagram!
Podcast giveittomestraightpodcast
Alex IG alexandramadisonn
Jon IG jbouffard2

Looking for relationship advice? Email us!

Instagram vs. Reality and The Impact on Your Relationship

In this episode, Jon and Alex discuss the topic of Instagram vs. Reality. Can too much social media be harmful to your relationship? Does Instagram create unrealistic expectations? Find out in this episode!

Find us on Instagram!
Podcast giveittomestraightpodcast
Alex IG alexandramadisonn
Jon IG jbouffard2

Looking for relationship advice? Email us!